Again I’m cornered by my meat-eating friends in a debate about protein. I was again unprepared to delve into the details properly. So more digging around, my goal is to establish quick FACTS that we can present.
A protein is a long strand “necklace” of amino acids connected together.
The body creates thousands of various types of protein using amino acid building blocks
The body creates thousands of various types of protein using amino acid building blocks
13 of these essential amino acids, humans can manufacture ourselves.
9 of these need to be eaten to combine into proteins chains
Meat/Dairy contains all 9 “complete” amino acids in one serving.
Peanut butter alone may only come with 6 of them
Whole wheat bread may contain 5 of them
Eating both peanut butter with bread, you get a complete set of all 9 amino acids
Humans need less than 80 grams of protein per day.
Vegetables do contain amino acids, just not all 9 we need in each one, and in smaller doses than meat.
Hopefully, we can print this quick list out, tuck it in our wallet, and help guide the understanding better.