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How to Stay Vegan After Veganuary

Writer: AshlynAshlyn

So, you completed Veganuary? Congratulations! Be proud of yourself, as this is a HUGE accomplishment! According to the Veganuary website, 629,351 people around the world signed up to be a part of Veganuary 2022. But, how many individuals actually continue with their plant-based diet into the future months? However, only around 36% of participants reported that they plan to continue on a vegan diet going forward. While this is definitely a significant amount, we want that number to go up as much as possible. So, in this article, we’ll be giving you our best tips on how to keep on your vegan journey and make it the best it can possibly be!

First, it’s always important to remember why you started. When your motivation is running low, or whenever you struggle to keep on your plant-based lifestyle: re-focus yourself. Remember the reason you started this journey in the first place. If you became vegan for your health, try to remember everything you’ve read about plant-based diets and how they support optimum health. Maybe you have an ethical reason for doing Veganuary this year, or maybe you watched a documentary, such as Earthlings, that altered your views. Whatever your reason may be, It’s worth keeping these motivating factors in mind for the first few months of being vegan.

Secondly, evaluate how you feel. Switching from a standard American diet to a plant-based diet often provides individuals with an increase in energy, and overall just feeling good in general! There are so many health benefits of a plant-based diet, and chances are you feel better than you ever have. Giving up animal products provides lets our bodies reset and function to the best of our abilities. Enjoy this feeling, and know that it’s all thanks to the amazing plant-based foods you are consuming.

It’s also very important to not be discouraged by “failures.” Lots of individuals end up consuming non-vegan food during Veganuary, and then completely give up. This does not have to be the case. Going vegan is a journey, not an overnight transformation. There will most likely be hiccups along the way. There is no such thing as a perfect vegan, and the sooner you accept this, the easier the transition will be. Ultimately, your journey into a vegan lifestyle is yours and only yours! Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. It will lead to nothing good.

In our opinion, one of the most important things an individual must do to stay vegan is to find a community. Transitioning to a vegan diet can be an isolating experience if you are the only one in your family or friend circle that is attempting to do so. Having a vegan community makes this journey more fun, gives you a support system, and also holds you accountable. Finding vegan friends may seem daunting at first, but it’s much easier than it seems. There are tons of vegan social groups for you to check out online. Some cities even have vegan groups that meet in person for some events. As long as you do some research, you will find some plant-based pals to help you on your journey.

Lastly, make sure to stay optimistic. Although transitioning to a plant-based diet has its challenges, it is 100% worth it. You are changing the world, helping the animals, the planet, and yourself. You’ve got this!


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