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Forks Over Knives - Love Netflix Streaming

If you haven’t had the opportunity to check out the movie Forks Over Knives yet. I highly encourage you to do so! Not only jump-started me on going vegan for a few weeks, I continued vegetarian to this day!

I’ve lost weight and cholesterol points, just like in the movie, and feel great about how I’m being the change we all want to see in the world. Saving the environment, encouraging others to do the same, and sending a message to big companies that we want more vegetarian options.

The even better news is that Forks Over Knives is not only available on DVD, but is on Netflix Instant Streaming! You don’t even have to spend fuel to ship the DVD to your door or go to a store. Pop open your Netflix account and watch in less than 30 seconds.

Please check this movie out, show it off to your fellow men, and seriously think about how you love that steak, but honestly know it is hurting your body and the environment. Just cut the steak-eating back to once a month. You’ll look forward to it so much more, I promise.


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